(1) Northland + Te Tai Tokerau
(2) How Blue was my Valley ?
(3) Map of 2014 Party Support
(4) NZ First 2014 Strongholds
(1) Northland + Te Tai Tokerau
Over recent weeks, the local blogosphere has witnessed a fair amount of speculation about the electoral effects of Northland voters on the Maori Roll.
On the one hand, a number of commenters have asked if anyone knows precisely what effect the addition of Northland-based Te Tai Tokerau voters would have on the political complexion of Northland. Would it turn Northland Red ? Or just a lighter shade of Blue ?
On the other other hand, a number of blog authors and commenters have suggested - often explicitly, sometimes implicitly - that the overwhelming majority of Northland Maori are on the Te Tai Tokerau Roll and that this takes the bulk of the Region's Left-leaning voters out of the equation for this By-Election. Things would be different, the reasoning goes, if Northland Maori were voting.
To take just a couple of definitive examples, Bomber Bradbury (at The Daily Blog) has (shall we say, somewhat colourfully) argued "Northland voters are blue, drained of the Maori vote who overwhelmingly stay on the Maori electorate, Northland is an electorate of Farmers and provincial businessmen. It's bluer than the liquid they use to show tampon absorption powers on TV adverts...It's blue." And, in a later post, "Northland is a banjo twanging red neck Hicksville bled white from most Maori being on the Maori roll...book burning is recreational here...progress in Northland is people not burning witches when there's an eclipse."
Meanwhile, Chris Trotter at Bowalley Road considers Northland to be "about as close as you get in New Zealand to the American Deep South...Northland's Pakeha voters (will) certainly give Winston Peters and NZ First a serious sniff. But Labour ? Not a chance. Not while most of Northland's Maori voters keep themselves off the General Roll ... (Northland is) Apartheid without the pass laws."
Right, so first of all - the effect of adding Northland-based Te Tai Tokerau voters to the Northland electorate.
Northland Party-Vote (2014)
Total Vote = 35,553
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
17 11 29 13 42 49 50 6 57
Te Tai Tokerau Party-Vote (2014)
(Only TTT votes from within Northland Electorate Boundaries)
Total Vote = 5,371
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
39 9 68 15 83 7 15 1 16
Combined Party-Vote (2014)
Total Vote = 40,924
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
20 11 34 13 47 43 46 6 51
As you can see, General Roll Northlanders are from Mars / while Maori Roll Northlanders appear to be from Venus. Extraordinary contrast in their political loyalties. The Left take a paltry 29% and the Opposition Bloc (Left + NZF) 42% among the former, but win a commanding 68% and 83% (respectively) among the latter.
National receive almost half the Party-Vote (49%) from General Roll voters but hardly any of the Party-Vote (only 7%) from those on the Maori Roll. Similarly, the Right Bloc (Govt parties + Cons) take 57% in the Northland electorate but a mere 16% among Northlanders in Te Tai Tokerau.
Which all sounds very impressive. But, as the Table suggests, the addition of Maori Roll voters doesn't in fact alter the area's political complexion to any appreciable extent. The seat simply becomes Light Blue rather than Mid Blue.
The Left rises a little, the Opposition draws level with the Government Bloc, but the broad Right still easily trounces the Left and remains ahead of the Opposition parties as a whole - albeit by a narrower margin.
At the last General Election, the Northland seat sat a little to the Right of the rest of the Country (New Zealand split 53% Right / 46% Oppo, Northland split 57% Right / 42% Oppo). Add the region's TTT voters and the resulting 51/47 split moves Northland slightly to the Left of the Nation as a whole. But still clearly, of course, in Light Blue - rather than Red - territory.
Why is the effect relatively minor ? Te Tai Tokerau's 5371 voters from the Northland area are absolutely dwarfed by the 35,553 voters on the General Roll.
Partly, that's a result of extremely low turnout among Northlanders on the Maori roll. 13,492 Maori from within Northland's boundaries are on the TTT Roll. But only 5371 (40%) cast a valid Party-Vote in 2014. Far lower than the 69% turnout in the Te Tai Tokerau seat as a whole. As a result, despite comprising almost 40% of the enrolled, Northland Maori made up less than a quarter of Te Tai Tokerau voters at the last Election.
But it also suggests that many pundits may have an exaggerated idea of the number of Northlanders on the Maori Roll.
(2) How Blue was my Valley ?
I've also read quite a bit of speculation on the alleged ideological proclivities of different towns in Northland.
Again, to take a few definitive examples, Chris Trotter draws a sharp contrast between (1) the "toothless, stubble-cheeked...boarded-up...brown towns", the "desperate people living in dying towns like Kaitaia" where "the votes...have traditionally been cast for Labour" and (2) the "Boats. Beamers. Batches", "Prestige Brands", outdoor cafes, "Ladies with lap-dogs, Gentlemen in Panama hats" that he believes characterises places like "Kerikeri or Russell."
Elsewhere on the local blogosphere, a woman who conducted some canvassing for Northland Labour during the last Election suggested in a comment that the town of Kaiwaka (towards Northland's southern fringe) "seemed quite pro Labour", while nearby Mangawhai was apparently largely full of "Labour-hating 'true blues'."
Another Northland resident commenting on The Standard points to "Kerikeri and to a lesser extent Paihia" as the true-blue affluent towns, contrasting them with "Kaikohe and Kaitaia" which "have been abandoned by successive governments...suffer from terrible unemployment" and where things are generally "quite dire".
Others on the blogosphere have made the geography implied by Trotter and others explicit, emphasising an east-west divide in Northland between the "retired and escapees of the east coast" and the poorer communities of the west.
In order to provide a broad overview of the geography of Party support in Northland, I've set out (below) the 2014 Party-Vote stats for all of the larger communities within the Northland electorate.
The table places these towns and smaller communities in order of Strongest-to-Weakest Opposition Bloc vote (Left + NZF). It ranges from the overwhelmingly-Maori, meatworker town of Moerewa (Oppo 77%) at the top of the table to the conservative, rural Kaipara town of Paparoa (Oppo 32%) at the bottom.
The colour-bar (behind the name of the town) denotes that community's broad political complexion.
Deep Red (Moerewa, Rawene) = Oppo Bloc 70% +
Mid Red (Omapere-Opononi) = Oppo Bloc 60-69%
Light Red = Oppo 50-59%
Light Blue (Ahipara through to Kerikeri) = Right Bloc (Govt + Con) 50-59%
Mid Blue (Mangonui through to Paparoa) = Right 60% +
(There are no large communities in Northland where the Right takes more than 70% of the vote)
The town of Kaeo is evenly split between Oppo and Right (49%/49%) - hence the neutral Tan colour-bar.
With each community, the first layer of figures are for votes cast in the Northland seat alone. Looking at Moerewa at the top of the table, for instance, you can see that 115 votes were recorded in the Moerewa booth in the Northland electorate. Labour received 52% of those 115 votes, the Greens 6%, the Left Bloc (including IMP) won 63%, NZF 14% and the Opposition Bloc 77%.
The Nats, meanwhile, took 21%, with virtually no Moerewa support for its little helpers, the Government Bloc (Nats + ACT + Maori + UF) was also on 21% and with Colin Craig's Conservatives receiving just 1%, the Right Bloc as a whole scored a grand total 22% in the town.
Immediately below those figures, I set out the percentage-point gaps between Left and Right Blocs, Oppo and Govt Blocs, and Oppo and Right Blocs. In each case, the colour of the numbers tell you which Bloc won. So, for example, you can see that the Left beat the Right by 41 points among general roll voters in Moerewa, with the Opposition Bloc a massive 55 points ahead of the Right.
Then, in the second layer, I provide the combined (Northland + TTT) stats.
For instance, 380 votes were cast in Moerewa as a whole (General + Maori Roll voters) and this inclusion of the Te Tai Tokerau votes make the Left and Opposition victories even more emphatic in that town.
As you can see, in those Northland towns with a significant minority of voters on the Maori Roll (in Moerewa's case, an absolute majority and in Kaikohe's case, close to half), the political complexion is significantly transformed by including TTT voters. Kaikohe, for instance, moves from a fairly evenly-divided town (Oppo beats Right / Right beats Left) to a clearly Left-leaning town (Left win by an impressive 25 points, Oppo win by an emphatic 44 points).
The same goes for Kawakawa and a range of other communities, even including one or two otherwise Light Blue towns - Ahipara and Kaitaia, for instance.
Also look at the way Right Bloc margins are slashed in a few Blue places like Awanui, Tokerau Beach, Okaihau and Paihia.
On the other hand, plenty of Right-leaning towns in Northland have comparatively few Maori voters and they remain decidedly Blue (Paparoa, Waipapa, Mangawhai Heads and Wellsford, for instance).
Using the 2013 Census stats, I've done a quick comparison of the 5 most Left/Oppo-leaning towns (Moerewa / Rawene / Omapere-Opononi / Kaikohe / Kawakawa) with 5 communities at the Bluer end of the spectrum (Paihia / Ruawai / Wellsford / Mangawhai Heads / Taipa Bay-Mangonui).
The most obvious contrast is in the ethnic composition. The Red towns are overwhelmingly Maori (Moerewa 88% / Kaikohe 78% / Kawakawa 71% / Omapere-Opononi 67% / Rawene 64%) while Blue towns are largely Pakeha (Maori comprise 37% of the Ruawai population, 27% in Taipa Bay-Mangonui, and 25%, 24% and just 10% in Paihia, Wellsford and Mangawhai Heads respectively).
As expected, unemployment rates are higher in the Red towns (averaging 18%) than in the Blue (9%). That there's an income-gap will also come as no surprise - although, arguably, it's not as great as you'd expect (Average Median Income: Red Town $18,000 / Blue Town $22,000
....Annual Income $20,000 or less: Red Town 56% / Blue Town 45%
....Annual Income $50,000 +: Red Town 11% / Blue Town 16%).
Pretty nuanced income differences for such starkly-contrasting political affiliations. The supposedly affluent Blue Towns of Northland turn out to be comparatively poor - certainly a long way from high-income big city suburbs and much more like Low to Low-Middle income urban areas (although admittedly the rent averages are significantly lower in Northland - a partial compensation, at least).
Nor is it a surprise that Internet access is higher in the Blue towns (average 65% compared to 47% in Red communities) and that one-parent families are much thinner on the ground (18% Blue towns / 40% Red towns). Blue towns also tend to be older in age and composed of larger minorities of overseas-born residents (mainly from the UK).

Northland 115
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
52 6 63 14 77 21 21 1 22
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 41 + 56 + 55
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 380
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
59 6 75 11 86 8 12 0 12
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 63 + 74 + 74

Northland 196
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
29 24 59 12 71 22 23 5 28
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 31 + 48 + 43
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 306
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
31 20 64 11 76 15 19 3 22
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 42 + 57 + 54

Northland 205
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
30 22 53 11 64 30 31 4 36
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 17 + 33 + 28
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 303
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
31 18 58 12 70 22 26 3 29
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 29 + 44 + 41

Northland 518
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
28 5 36 19 55 37 39 4 43
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 7 + 16 + 12
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 1018
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
33 6 53 17 70 20 26 2 28
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 25 + 44 + 42

Northland 344
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
31 9 44 9 53 38 40 5 45
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 1 + 13 + 8
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 553
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
42 8 57 10 67 25 28 3 31
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 26 + 39 + 36

Northland 376
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
21 16 40 9 49 43 45 4 49
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 9 + 4 =
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 489
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
27 14 49 9 58 34 37 3 41
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 8 + 21 + 17

Northland 272
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
22 13 36 12 47 46 47 5 52
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 16 = + 5
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 407
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
27 10 47 12 58 34 37 4 41
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 6 + 21 + 17

Northland 1028
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
21 7 31 15 47 41 43 9 52
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 21 + 4 + 5
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 1524
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
27 8 44 14 58 30 33 7 40
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 4 + 25 + 18

Northland 529
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
16 16 33 12 45 49 49 5 54
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 21 + 4 + 9
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 575
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
17 16 35 13 47 46 47 5 52
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 17 = + 5

Northland 269
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
20 6 29 15 44 46 48 6 54
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 25 + 4 + 10
Northland + Te Tai -Tokerau 385
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
24 5 38 15 53 35 40 5 45
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 7 + 13 + 8

Northland 1489
Lab Green Left NZ Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
17 8 26 17 43 48 49 6 55
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 29 + 6 + 12
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 1726
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
20 8 31 17 48 42 45 5 50
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 19 + 3 + 2
Te Kopuru

Northland 284
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
14 9 24 18 42 48 50 6 56
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 32 + 8 + 14
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 324
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
18 9 28 18 46 44 46 6 52
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 24 = + 6

Northland 544
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
17 9 26 15 42 42 43 14 56
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 30 + 1 + 14
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 581
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
19 9 29 15 44 40 40 13 54
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 25 + 4 + 10

Northland 592
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
16 15 31 10 42 53 54 3 57
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 26 + 12 + 15
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 663
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
17 15 34 11 45 49 51 3 54
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 20 + 6 + 9
Tokerau Beach

Northland 234
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
15 5 21 20 41 54 56 3 59
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 38 + 15 + 18
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 325
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
19 6 34 19 53 40 44 2 46
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 12 + 9 + 7

Northland 609
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
17 13 31 9 40 49 51 7 59
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 28 + 11 + 19
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 706
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
20 12 35 9 45 44 47 6 54
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 19 + 2 + 9

Northland 2531
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
17 14 31 9 40 52 53 6 59
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 28 + 13 + 19
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 2743
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
18 13 34 9 43 49 51 5 56
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 22 + 8 + 13

Northland 704
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
15 10 26 13 39 53 54 6 60
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 34 + 15 + 21
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 795
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
17 10 31 12 43 48 50 6 55
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 24 + 7 + 12

Northland 728
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
8 13 22 17 38 50 51 10 61
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 39 + 13 + 23
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 754
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
9 13 23 17 40 49 49 10 59
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 36 + 9 + 19

Northland 723
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
15 7 23 15 38 53 55 7 62
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 39 + 17 + 24
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 800
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
16 8 26 15 40 50 52 7 59
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 33 + 12 + 19

Northland 333
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
14 7 23 13 36 53 55 5 59
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 36 + 19 + 23
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 414
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
19 8 33 13 45 43 46 4 50
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 17 + 1 + 5

Northland 296
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
17 8 26 10 36 55 56 6 62
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 36 + 20 + 26
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 352
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
17 8 28 11 40 50 53 5 59
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 31 + 13 + 19

Northland 427
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
18 5 23 13 36 55 56 6 62
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 39 + 20 + 26
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 461
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
19 5 25 14 39 52 53 6 59
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 34 + 14 + 20
Mangawhai Heads

Northland 465
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
13 9 22 14 36 54 56 8 64
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 42 + 20 + 28
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 476
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
13 9 23 14 37 53 55 8 62
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 39 + 18 + 25

Northland 1029
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
10 11 22 11 33 58 59 7 66
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 44 + 26 + 33
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 1090
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
12 11 24 11 36 55 57 7 63
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 39 + 21 + 27

Northland 620
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
14 11 25 8 33 62 63 3 66
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 41 + 30 + 33
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 748
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
18 11 31 10 41 53 55 2 57
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 26 + 14 + 16

Northland 528
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
10 8 20 12 32 54 54 12 66
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 46 + 22 + 34
Northland + Te Tai Tokerau 547
Lab Green Left NZF Oppo Nat Govt Cons Right
11 8 20 13 33 53 53 11 65
Left/Right Diff Oppo/Govt Diff Oppo/Right Diff
+ 45 + 20 + 32
(3) Map of 2014 Party Support
I've created a Map of the Booth-by-Booth 2014 Party-Vote in Northland here...
I'm toying with the idea of (somewhat ostentatiously) calling the Red communities of Northland the Hokianga-Kaikohe Red Belt. The strongly Left/Oppo-voting region starts on the Hokianga in the west (Omapere-Opononi / Rawene / Kohukohu and a few nearby communities) and then heads east to the larger town of Kaikohe before striking further east into otherwise deep Blue territory with the Red working-class Maori stronghold of Moerewa and the Orange tourist town of Kawakawa. Having said that, as you can see by the size of the circles (denoting number of votes) the Red Belt towns are absolutely dwarfed by the Blue towns of the Bay of Islands, Kaipara, Doubtless Bay and elsewhere.
(4) New Zealand First 2014 Strongholds
11 Northland communities recording the highest NZF Party-Vote in 2014 (excludes small booths).
1. Tokerau Beach 20%
2. Kaikohe 19%
3. Te Kopuru 18%
4. Dargaville 17%
5. Mangawhai 17%
6. Awanui 15%
7. Kaitaia 15%
8. Maungaturoto 15%
9. Wellsford 15%
10. Mangawhai Heads 14%
11. Moerewa 14%