Latest Newshub-Reid Research poll on Flag change.
Newshub-Reid Research Poll (Feb 2016)
Change the Flag ?
Yes No DK
Entire Sample 30 61 9
Nat Supporters 41 48 11
Lab Supporters 20 73 7
Green Supporters 30 60 10
NZF Supporters 34 66 0
Quality of Lockwood Design ?
Good Not Good DK
Entire Sample 35 60 5
I want to change the flag but am voting
for the current flag because I don't like
the alternative design = 16
Previous Polls in Reverse Chronological Order back to late-2014.
UMR Research (Feb 2016)
Which Flag ?
New Current
Entire Sample 35 65
NZF Supporters 17 83
Labour Supporters 30 70
Green Supporters 32 68
National Supporters 50 50
Male 35 65
Female 35 65
Age 18-29 28 72
Age 30-44 38 62
Age 45-59 37 63
Age 60 + 37 63
Attitudes to Flag by Certainty to Vote
Almost Certain 34 66
Very Likely 33 67
Fairly/Not likely 48 52
Won't Vote 22 78
The Flag Referendum has been a distraction
and a waste of money. New Zealanders should send
John Key a message by voting for the Current Flag
Disagree Agree Neither
Entire Sample 23 66 11
NZF Supporters 3 89 8
Lab Supporters 15 75 9
Green Supporters 18 72 10
Nat Supporters 40 47 13
Male 28 61 11
Female 19 70 11
Age 18-29 15 71 13
Age 30-44 23 63 14
Age 45-59 27 66 7
Age 60 + 26 65 10
3 News Reid Research Poll (Nov 2015)
Change the Flag ?
Yes No DK
Entire Sample 29 65 6
3 News Reid Research (Sep 2015)
Change the Flag ?
Yes No DK
Entire Sample 25 69 6
Research New Zealand (Sep 2015)
Adopt New Flag ?
Agree Disagree DK
Entire Sample 28 61 11
Male 29 60 11
Female 28 62 11
Age 18-54 26 62 12
Age 55 + 34 58 8
One News Colmar Brunton (Sep 2015)
Change to a New Design ?
Change Keep DK
Entire Sample 28 66 6
Above Average Change
Green Supporters 41
Nat Supporters 37
High Income 37
Auckland 35
Above Average Keep
NZF Supporters 93
Low Income 85
Maori 83
Lab Supporters 78
Herald DigiPoll (Aug 2015)
Change Flag ?
Support Oppose Depends
Entire Sample 23 53 24
Male - 44 -
Female - 61 -
Herald DigiPoll (April 2015)
Time for a New Flag ?
Yes No Unsure
Entire Sample 25 70 5
Research New Zealand (Oct 2014)
Adopt New Flag ?
Agree Disagree Neutral
Entire Sample 19 43 37
Male 19 40 40
Female 19 46 34
Age 18-34 16 47 35
Age 35-54 18 40 41
Age 55 + 23 42 33
Income <40k 18 44 35
Income 40-80k 20 45 36
Income 80k> 21 38 41
Upper NI 19 40 40
Lower NI 19 44 36
SI 20 44 35
Euro 18 44 35
Maori 20 45 36
Pasifika 21 38 41
Other 16 51 30