[UPDATE: Fairfax-Ipsos Poll added at bottom of post]
One News Colmar-Brunton Snap Poll on Dirty Politics
509 Respondents August 14-15
Q 1: "Have you heard of Nicky Hager's latest book called Dirty Politics which was released on Wednesday ?"
Entire Sample Yes 77% No 23%
High Yes - Those aged 35+ 89% - NZ Europeans 87%
Low Yes - Those aged 18-34 46% - Auckland Residents 68% - Labour Supporters 68%
Q 2: "His book suggests smear campaigns and leaks were organised at the highest levels of the National Party including the Prime Minister's Office. Do you believe these suggestions ?"
Entire Sample Yes 28% No 43% Don't Know 29%
National Supporters Yes 10% No 68% Don't Know 23%
High Yes - Christchurch Residents 45% - Labour and Green Supporters 43%
High No - National Supporters 68%
Q 3: "Have these allegations positively or negatively influenced your view of the National Party or have they not made much difference ?"
Entire Sample Positively 4% Negatively 9% Not Much Diff 82% Don't Know 5%
National Supporters Positively 5% Negatively 2% Not Much Diff 91% Don't Know 3%
High Negative - Labour and Green Supporters 19%
High Not Much Diff - National Supporters 91%
Q 4: "As a result of these allegations are you now more or less likely to vote on Election Day or have they not made much difference ?"
Entire Sample More Likely 12% Less Likely 1% Not much diff 87%
High More Likely - Labour Supporters 19%
Note: Colmar-Brunton only highlight sub-group demographics that diverge from the average to a statistically significant extent All other demographics will be close to the Entire Sample Percentages
Fairfax-Ipsos Poll on Dirty Politics
1002 Respondents August 21-27
Q 1: "Investigative journalist Nicky Hager has recently published a book that focuses on the past 6 years of Prime Minister John Key's Government titled 'Dirty Politics'. In your eyes, do you think John Key's reputation has been damaged by the book's claims ?"
Entire Sample Yes 47% No 43% Don't Know 11%
Q 2: "Do you think the claims made in the book 'Dirty Politics' and what has been reported in the media these last few days will change your vote in the upcoming NZ election ?"
Entire Sample Yes 8% No 87% Don't Know 5%
Q 3: "Do you believe that all politicians 'play dirty' as it's all just part of the politics and being a politician in NZ ?"
Entire Sample Yes 55% No 41% Don't Know 4%
National Voters Yes 62% No Data on No and Don't Know
Labour Voters Yes 47% No Data on No and Don't Know
Q 4: "Which Political Parties, if any, do you think 'play dirty' ?"
Respondents nominating National 28%
Respondents nominating Internet-Mana 17%
Respondents nominating Labour 17%
Respondents nominating NZ First 7%
Respondents nominating Greens 6%
Respondents nominating Cons 1%
Other 12% All of Them 31% None 4% Don't Know 19%