In reverse chronological order, you understand, Cobber.
3 News Reid Research Poll - Foreign Ownership
Early August 2014
Q1: Do you think there should be stricter controls placed on foreign ownership of New Zealand land and housing ?
Entire Sample: Yes 77% No 20% Don't Know 3%
National Voters: Yes 65% No 31% Don't Know 4%
Q2: Should the Government approve the sale of Lochinver Station to Shanghai Pengxin ?
Entire Sample: Yes 25% No 68% Don't Know 7%
National Voters: Yes 38% No 53% Don't Know 9%
Herald-DigiPoll - Farm Sales to Foreigners
August 2014
EEntire Sample
Ban Altogether "Nearly a Third"
Approve only when it brings a significant advantage over a
New Zealand Buyer (such as jobs) "a majority of voters"
No Restrictions 13%
Fairfax-Ipsos Poll August 2014
Q1: Should the Government make it harder for foreign investors
to buy large amounts of productive farmland ?"
Entire Sample: Yes 74% No 24% Don't Know 2%
Q2: Has too much productive farmland already been sold
into foreign ownership ?"
Entire Sample: Yes 53% No 41% Don't Know 7%
Q3: Do you think New Zealand's economy benefits from
more foreign investment ?"
Entire Sample: Yes 64% No 31% Don't Know 5%
Colmar Brunton Mid May 2014
Immigration / Housing / Foreign Ownership
Q1: Do you think the Government should place more controls on
Immigration to reduce pressure on the housing market ?
Entire Sample: Yes 57% No 33% Don't Know 11%
High Yes: Household Annual Income Under 70k 64%
Maori 75%
High No: Household Annual Income Over 70k 40%
Non-New Zealand Europeans 50%
Q2: Do you think New Zealand should have a register
of foreign ownership on property ?
Entire Sample: Yes 68% No 22% Don't Know 10%
No statistically significant sub-group differences
Herald-DigiPoll December 2013
Private Member's Bill from Labour MP and Former Leader Phil Goff to Limit Rural Land Sales to Foreigners
The Bill is Sound and should be supported 55%
For Earlier Tables, Click on Read More
One News Colmar Brunton Poll Late July 2013
Do you think measures should be put in place to prevent
foreigners buying property in New Zealand ?
Yes 62% No 32% Don't Know 6%
High No: High Income Households (over 100k) 41%
National Supporters 43%
One News Colmar Brunton Poll May 2013
Do you think the Government is doing enough to keep housing
affordable in New Zealand ?
Entire Sample: Yes 30% No 62% Unsure 9%
High Yes: Age 55+ 35% National Voters 47%
High No: Labour Voters 85% Green Voters 86%
UMR Research March 2012
Q1: Are you aware of the proposal to sell 16 agricultural properties,
the Crafar farms, in the Central North Island to an overseas company ?
Entire Sample: Yes 87% No 12% Unsure 1%
Q2: The Chinese company Shanghai Pengxin wants to buy the Crafar
farms, do you support or oppose selling the farms to this Chinese
company ?
Entire Sample: Support 21% Oppose 71% Unsure 8%
Q3: Do you Agree, or Disagree, with this statement: 'I don't care what
the nationality of the company is, I don't want the farms to be sold to a
foreign buyer' ?
Entire Sample: Agree 70% Disagree 26% Unsure 4%
UMR Research November 2011
Foreign ownership of farms and agricultural land
A Bad Thing 82% A Good Thing 10% Unsure 8%
Main reasons given for not selling to foreign companies
- Keep control of our primary resource
- So that Kiwis benefit from exports, not foreigners
Opposition to companies from specified Countries being allowed to
buy agricultural land
Chinese companies 81% US companies 76%
British companies 67% Australian companies 54%
Research New Zealand September 2010
Do you believe overseas-owned businesses should be able to buy or
invest in New Zealand farms or farmland ?
Yes No Don't Know
Entire Sample: 41 53 5
Male: 47 46 6
Female: 36 59 5
Age: 15-34: 53 44 2
35-54: 40 53 6
55+: 29 64 8
NZ Euro/Pakeha: 41 54 5
Maori/Pasifika: 39 57 4
Other: 50 41 10
Location: Upper NI: 44 50 6
Lower/Central NI: 44 51 5
SI: 36 59 5
Income: Under 40k: 37 57 6
40-70k: 37 60 4
Over 70k: 53 42 5
Farming: Involved: 40 54 6
Not Involved: 42 53 5
3 News Reid Research Poll August 2010
Land Sales to Foreigners
Tighten Rules: 76%
Leave it as it is: 14%
Relax Rules: 8%